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Few days back I swooped house of one of my friends. He has very huge library in his house with so many thought-provoking books. It feels like you are in heaven where you can find everything and anything in form of knowledge. My probe led me to this book named ‘The Jewish Phenomenon’ by Steven Silbiger. The title itself is stimulating enough to increase your oddity and eventually I borrowed the book.

Previous night, I started reading the book and I was able to finish the book by noon. The book is schooling upon the phenomenon behind success of so many Jews. As I am from India, and I have hardly met any Jew; I have no Idea of their success list. I made some research and I would love to share top 10 most prominent people who were Jews. I am very sure that this list will surprise you as much as I was startled by seeing familiar names. So here we go.

Image result for ISRAEL PEOPLE

Even the birth of Israel in itself is a success story of Jews. So what is the reason behind their success? After reading the book, I realised that Jews are generally groomed well which is based on practical and strong principles. I have divided their grooming acmes in ten parts as follows.

1.       Good Leader is Good Follower. Yes, Jews believe that a good leader is one who learns to be a follower. He needs a mentor or an inspiration to follow. Following footfalls gives you a blueprint and regulation of mentor helps to take suitable decision to live the reveries.

2.       No Rest today for Rest Tomorrow. Jews believe to work hard and nifty in present so that they can have a contented imminent. It depends on person to person, what kind of comfortable future he desires.

3.       Approval. Jews before taking any decision involves their friends and relatives. This helps in judging the proposal with pros and cons and also gives a motivation to achieve the objective. It also ensures that no unethical work is done, which prevents them to commit wrong. Jews are famous for their honesty and simplicity.

4.       Righteousness. As I said before, that Jews are famous for scrupulousness. I would refrain myself from drilling on this further.

5.       Helping nature. Jews do help people but in a very different way. They lend money to needy and charge interest but the intention is to make other capable of being responsible and earn the bread. It is not charity but a practical help to improve the society in which they are living. This is one of the reason that in Europe before 2nd world war, most of the Jews were in banking service as they thought that it is a way to help the society to develop.

6.       Imperfection. Jews are not perfect and neither have they believed in to be perfect. A person perfect in something becomes skilled labour whereas one who is imperfect but knows multiple things without excelling into them is the one who can start a business and employ perfectionist as skilled labour to achieve the dreams of imperfections. This is a debatable point, which we should sit and discuss something over a cup of coffee.

7.       Vision. A person with vision knows what he wants and for what he is living his life. The ultimate goal is designed by the virtue of vision. Jews had vision of making a nation which is now known as Israel, just giving you a famous example.

8.       No Retirement. Jews never retire, after achieving one goal they aspire for other. They are greedy to achieve more, and they are restless to do it.  

It is amazing that a clan has such a great reputation of dominating economies, societies and even regions. Their DNA has unique design which now and then the people from Jews community have justified and probably they will keep on defending the reputation earned by their ancestors.


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