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The Nameless Heroes

It was another slothful sunrise, when I opened my eyes and looked on the wall clock. Wall clock was sniggering on me and said ‘You can only dream to wake up up early, but the will from inside has died!’ I flouted my make-believe friend and continued to adore the cosiness of my blanket. Yes, I am languid and I delight in sleeping till late. I know you are not interested to know about my lifestyle but this saga is very much allied with my sleep. I was on a visit and got the privilege to stay in army guest room.

There was a knock on door, and I was alert that my room attendant must be waiting to apprise my room with all the necessitating stuff which I may use. I told him that door is open and he is very much welcome inside till the time he is not going to spoil my laziness. The attendant entered and I saw sheen on his uniform. I was surprised; he was not the regular room attendant.

I was staring at his uniform. He was rank of nayak (equivalent to corporal) and he was looking confident. His medal made me snooping which was the only extra thing on his uniform other than his name tab. I indulged myself into the conversation and I came to know that he is from grenadiers’ regiment.

Grenadiers regiment is one of the most decorated regiments of the Indian Army. Knowing this fact, I became more attentive and paid close attention on the glorious stories of his battalion. His battalion was one of the units during Kargil war which contributed in capture of tololing. Also, he told me that in 2011, his battalion neutralised 15 terrorists in which 14 were killed and one was made to surrender and all of them were non-nationals in Kashmir valley. He was part of that team and earned gallantry award. With a sad tone he also told me that during that operation one of the Lieutenant of his unit was martyred. The brave lieutenant was awarded Shaurya Chakra posthumous. He was proud that he served and operated with gallant lieutenant. Most amazing fact about this soldier was that he served continuously for seven years Jammu and Kashmir countering the terrorists.

I was mesmerized when he started speaking about political disturbance in Jammu and Kashmir, and modus-operandi of terrorist organisations. His level of intellectualism and knowledge of facts is highly impressive.

Do you know, what is the entry qualification required to be a Jawan in Indian Army? It is just 10th or 12th pass. Whereas, an officer of Indian army is required to be a graduate. This creates an intellectual difference between jawans and officers. But one can bridge this gap over the time by reading, observing the society, discussions and experience. My room attendant was a fine example of growth. His confidence was evident and I enjoyed talking to him. I discussed various things with him for about an hour. His gallant act of neutralising terrorist and his intellectual level made him a hero for me.

NOTE: I haven’t taken any names in this article intentionally because it may raise objections. Few things are supposed to be secret and I have tried my best to keep it the way it should be.

There are many such heroes in India which are still strangers for common people. He told me one thing that civilians underestimate an army soldier. He expected that perception about soldiers in India will change. One day will come in near future when Train ticket examiners will stop asking bribes during train journey to give confirm tickets. Shopkeepers will stop charging more money than the MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE.

When I was roaming in Vizag, there was a 1971 war memorial on which a very meaningful statement was written. Exact lines I don’t remember but it meant
‘A nation who does not respect its war heroes doesn’t deserve to have a future’.

It is a beautiful statement which really makes sense. I met a hero who is nameless to this country, who had killed ‘n’ number of terrorists. If they were not killed then maybe they would have killed YOU.


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