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The Chemical Reaction of Chetan Bhagat and OROP

This afternoon, I was sitting on lunch table and fervently waiting for my lunch plus conversing with one of the army officer, Captain K10. We were conferring about my previous blog post and our banter went on to OROP (one rank one pension scheme) which followed by Chetan Bhagat’s interpretations.

He accentuated that Army clan is not much happy with this veteran Army Brat and his comments inspired by lack of research. This blog post is fundamentally the result of the hassles made by Captain K10 to write something on Chetan Bhagat and OROP. So sir, here we go, this blog post is only and only for you.

By the way, Chetan Bhagat if you can try to steal lime light by speaking meaningless statements about OROP then as your junior why I should remain behind. So this is my deliberate efforts to steal the lime light. I am aware that I cannot be so perfect in stealing lime light as Chetan does, but kindly appreciate my efforts.

Answers to Chetan Bhagat from random Army Officers (Names not mentioned, so it is your wish to consider it as fake or genuine). 

1.       Chetan Bhagat, were you rejected from Service Selection Board of Armed Forces? It looks like you were and now you are really unhappy that Veterans of Armed forces who have served with glory for this country are going to get better pension benefits. Well now, if you were rejected then it is now highly justifiable.

2.       Mr Chetan Bhagat, being son of an army officer or army personnel doesn’t mean that you will know or you have experienced everything about army life. A dependent even doesn’t know how this organisation functions. One can only know if he has served in it. Certainly, you never got the privilege to be part of the elite group.

3.       You had mentioned in your OROP article that, pensioners will receive highest pension on that rank. Well, this statement it self-shows lack of research and efforts made by you to find facts about OROP. So let me enlighten you, the pensioner will receive mean pension and the person getting highest pension will keep on getting the same pension but the lowest one will get the mean pension. So the mean pension will be calculated. This is a small fact, rest I leave on you that you will put some effort to download the pdf file and read then give an honest review.

4.       Mr Chetan Bhagat, BSF only serves on borders, but what about counter insurgency/counter terrorism, where armed forces are fighting the low intensity conflict war. Siachen is a war posting where no paramilitary force is employed. When situation worsen in Kashmir or naxalite areas then why you want to call army, why not paramilitary? And when army veterans’ demand for logical benefits then you wants to question that why not paramilitary is included. For your information, they do have contributory pension scheme.

5.       Chetan, kindly research, research, and research before you write anything. Now, you can see it has hurt sentiments of several people.

6.       I will go with the words of Apoorva; armed forces will never go on a strike but imagine in your wildest dream if it happens someday, then what will be the consequences? Just imagine, don’t share because I am not interested to know what you imagine in your wildest dreams.

There are many more such replies to Chetan which I cannot share because I have to obey censorship guidelines of electronic media laid down by Government of India. Chetan you should understand the fact that 12000 crores will not be a liability on Indian Government but it is an investment for the better future. If Modi government is dreaming about digital India, economically strong India then one need peaceful environment, terrorist free environment in society after which it is possible that companies like Facebook and Google will invest in this country. India will never regret for the 12000 crores of investment, trust me Chetan. 


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