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Confession of a Rapist

At times, you come across several remarkable people in your life which opens a new horizon of intellect for you. May be today, I was lucky enough to experience same kind of intellectual journey. I met a guy today, who said he had almost raped a girl, when he was just 17 years old. It is unimaginable that at such age someone even think about raping a girl or I am living in too idealistic world.

Our conversation started with the incident where U.P. Police quoted that one of the factors of the rape is the way women dress up and in the heat of the discussion we reached to a point where we were shocked to hear this guy experience.

At present, the guy is a well-established doctor in a reputed hospital. He is married and blessed with a cute kid. He is considered to be one of the well-mannered guy in our society. He has also taken stand for women empowerment in backward towns.

When he was seventeen years old he got admission in a medical college. He was good in studies and addicted to his fitness regime. He used to jog, out of town in a nearby forest. Tough terrain produces great fighters and he strongly believed in this concept. He was a virgin at that time, and he had a small relationship with a girl, where things were not going the way a good relationship should go. It is said that the desire for sex in teenage is at peak during the age of 17 to 19. Maybe, our doctor was going through the same phase. One morning, he was coming back, after jogging for an hour. He saw a very pretty girl who must be in her twenties, going towards a very small village inside the jungle. He was mesmerized by her beauty, and doctor had urge to fulfill his desire with the girl. He was stranger to this girl. He started following her, and after few hundred meters, he decided to force her to fulfill his desire. She was walking ahead, and he was pacing up to reduce down the distance. He can feel his veins which were swelling up, and forcing him to satisfy his desire.

As doctor almost chased her, he suddenly had a feeling of guilt of even thinking about such heinous act. He stopped and started looking down. He was ashamed of the step he had taken. The girl, did not realize that someone followed her. Doctor was prevented by his soul to commit something which is not forgivable. After that he never had such kind of urge or experience. This incidence made him a better person.

This story made me to think, what were the reasons that he did not carry forward his initiative of raping the girl? There are many answer to this, maybe he had good grooming which stopped him, or he got right education in school. It is good to give thought to a step which you are going to take next, may be it will save life of someone and also your life. Rape is the act committed by cowards and inhuman. Be a man and don’t do it.


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