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Operation Decces: The Twitch

26 June, 2013. As I was eyeing at my wrist watch, my heartbeats were snowballing. Before every big moment, I have been nervy. This crazy extravaganza, was something big and challenging for me. Only, one thing was going inside my head, ‘will I be able to do it?’

Survival Ration:
I packed my rug sack with necessary stuff and most important survival ration. I had taken five bourbon biscuits packets and 10 lays packet. I was anticipating that for 150 kms, it should be abundant. There were following whys and wherefores which forced my pronouncement taking competence to stick to this diet.
1.       Bourbon chocolate biscuits will deliver me necessary energy boost up. Chocolates are good energy booster and in my 60 kms hike, I had used chocolates and dry fruits to keep my self-going.

2.       Lays chips are made up of potato, plus salted ones will provide me necessary salt to keep my body going. Potato is good source of carbohydrate which is necessary for production of energy.

The Start:

google map

Precisely at 1900 hours I started my journey with a heavy rug sack on my bag. For navigation purpose, I had printed google map showing the exact path to be taken. In case, I lost the way, then I had iPhone to refer the current location and any other way to create displacement. I had also a compass with me.

Rug Sack

As I left my house, after two kilometers I met my neighbor. He enquired that where I was going, and he was surprised to know that I was on a mission to cover 150 kilometers on foot. My heartbeat was still racing away, but my determination was high.

The Interesting Experience:
I kept walking for three hours, and crossing each and every bound which I had marked on my map. On my way, when I had crossed Alwar city, I met this person. He came up with his two wheeler and offered to give me the lift. He asked me where I am going, and I told him that I am going to Delhi. A smile on his face and bit of surprise, he again asked me that am I going on foot? I told him yes. I thought he will think I am a crazy guy who has lost his mind, but his reaction surprised me. He told me that he also go on such hike, but not covering hundreds of kilometers. He was a motivating factor for me on the way, and my determination was now touching a level which was enough to drive me all the way. We exchanged the numbers and we are still in touch with each other.

Soon, I had lost the company of my new friend, I was moving ahead once again. At midnight, I halted down to check my map, to confirm that I am on right path, and also I was taking ten minutes break. My left knee started paining, I knew something had gone wrong with it, but I was not ready to quit. I started walking again.

The Thirst:

I was carrying just one liters of water, knowing the fact I will be passing through several villages and towns, I would be filling it. But on my way I realized it was a bad plan. But to my savior, there were dhabas, but closed. Thankfully, in Rajasthan they keep water for passerby and at night at 3, it was kept in one of dhaba, where I decided to take water. After eight hours, I consumed one liters of water to save my soul.

The God:
I was hoping that it shouldn't rain as the sky was having fun with clouds. If it would have rained, I would have faced problems such as rashes, and difficulty of moment. In morning 5, I halted nearby a road, and sat down. I took 20 minutes break, and ate chips and chocolate biscuits for further energy. I was looking at the sky, and it was looking like it will rain.

At 0520 hours, I got up, and continued my journey. I had walked just hundred steps, I saw, road in front of me completely wet, I looked back, and the road was dry, I looked at left then I saw soil ahead of me was wet and soil behind me was dry. It implied that, it was raining just hundred steps ahead of me. Because of darkness, I was unable to notice when I was taking break. This time I did realize that if god is there then he has done a favor and I was good to go ahead. Ten hours and I had completed more than fifty kilometers.

The Beauty of Nature:

In my starting ten hours, I had seen beautiful landscape under the blanket of darkness. I saw a farmer, working at night around 11 in his fields, moving his tractor up and down, left n right. I saw Rocky Mountains on my left giving my company the whole night. I met a truck driver, who told me that he saw me in Alwar at 2000 hours, and he is seeing me again in just few hours. His words made me confident that I was moving at a great speed. I observed villages and their architectural culture. I was seeing the real India which is mostly said that is underdeveloped. I must say, government had worked and it will keep working for development of India, and the fine example is the villages which are now more developed compared to before.

Rest of my journey I will cover in my next article. 


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