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The Perfect Life Partner

On your journey we come across many folks, and it is an experience to be acquainted about them and to learn from them. On my way to Jaisalmer, I met this Army officer who was traveling from Delhi towards Mount Abu. He was going along with his wife. After a long deliberations about career, nomadic, escapade and weaponries, out of inquisitiveness I asked his wife, that why she married an Army Officer that too an infantryman. Her cognitive of preferring an infantry officer over other Defence Officer was so convincing and enlightening for me that I thought of sharing with you all.

Any girl will prefer to marry an infantry officer over any other man in this world because of the following reasons.

1.       Physical Fitness. An infantry officer will never suffer from a disappointing belly size till the age of 40. Infantry officer is self-motivated to stay fit and they are allergic to belly outside the belt. Also, you don’t need to get woo by the actors having six pack abs. An infantry officer mostly have natural 8 pack abs in the starting of his career with a hot body. So you are getting a man who will make your friends jealous just by holding your hand and always keeping you in his arms.

2.       Sports Coach. Do you want to learn new games or sports? Or you are looking forward to teach your future kids to be a sport star? Don’t worry, if you marry an infantry officer, you will have a coach for free. Infantry officer has heard zillions of moral lectures and also given sports knowledge to his juniors in academy days. He is equipped with the words about tactics, josh and technique. So next time you want to learn some new game, you have a coach at your disposal.

3.       The Ultimate Wikipedia of Food. By looks he appears to be a Spartan, but don’t underestimate. He is like a camel, who can drink, eat and store for later. He has the immense knowledge of food by virtue of which he can differentiate between Italian and Mexican food. He is well educated to know which vegetables are available in which season. If you are looking to marry an infantry officer, then inquire that he was ever the food member in his officer’s mess or not. A food member has knowledge of wide variety of cuisine from all over the world. Even he will be able to tell you that on which stall you will find fresh vegetable with cheapest price. You will never face the headache of planning the menu, your man has billion combinations which by default he has memorized in his brain.

4.       Cutlery. After the marriage, you want to buy cutlery but has the fear that which will be good and elegant for your kitchen. Don’t you worry, your man from infantry knows about all kind of cutlery items. He is playing with the forks, knives and spoon since he was a kid. He is well aware that fine china is different from bone china. He is so romantic, that he will also get plates with your name elegantly printed on it. An infantry officer is not less than a Romeo.

5.       Curtains and Tablecloths. Most of the husband hates this thing to buy curtains and tablecloths because their new life partner fails to make up her mind over one. But with an infantry officer, it is different. If he sees a table then he knows it should be and it must be cover by cloth. During his youngster days as lieutenant, he had made numerous trips with the unit’s ladies to market which gives him the super power to select the exact shade which is perfect for your interiors. He will take you to the exact place where you can buy good quality curtains and table cloths which will raise eyebrows of your friends.

6.       Your personal Bartender. You are thinking to throw a party, but don’t have options for bartender. Your man can make things easy for you. He has the great experience of enjoying at bars and he knows that even a royal challenger will taste like teachers once everyone is two pegs down. He can engage your guests, in his adventurous stories which he has obtain in action against enemy. He knows what is cocktail and what mocktail is.

7.       Event Manager. Your infantry guy has organized so many parties before, that now the world’s best event manager will fail in front of him. He can organize any party of any scale with such a perfection which is beyond people’s imagination. He takes care of minute things, from the layout of the chairs, drinks, dinner menu, photographer and whatever thing you can imagine which is necessary for a party. He knows planning a party is as important as planning the raid on enemy camp. He will plan it with exemplary precision and he won’t be satisfied with anything till the party is over.

8.       Dressing Sense. When it comes to dressing sense, an infantry officer cannot do blunder with it. He knows what to wear on formal occasions and what not to wear in a friendly party. He can give even the actors a run for their money when it comes to dressing up for an occasion.

9.       Philosopher. Infantry officer is a perfect philosopher. He can speak on any topic, and he will impress your parents in the first go.

10.   James Bond. Infantry officer has seen real time action which you see in movies. He is your real life James Bond. You will be proud of his courageous deeds. What else you want, when you are getting a guy who cannot be boring.

11.   Traveler. Infantry officer get posted all over the world. If you are married to him, you will see all the beautiful and untouched part of India, plus you will also see countries such as USA, France, Singapore and Russia and many more.

The lady ended her reasoning by saying ‘An infantry officer is a complete package, and a girl is lucky enough to have a partner like them’.  My reaction after her reasoning, was of surprise. I was feeling like I am nothing in front of an Army Infantry officer. I wish after college I would have joined Army and that too infantry, I would have been a hotshot among girls.


  1. One of ur best article. would love to marr such a person. loved it Specialy the way u hv mixed ur own pics in perfect place

    1. :P that is true, right decision in the right time, is need of hour

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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