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The Beginning of Extraordinary Adventure

I believe in one thing that one can enjoy life when a person can push limits of his capability. People generally call such kind of person crazy. I don’t mind people calling me crazy because I enjoy what I do. Recently, we did a crazy thing.

It is winters and I and my friends decided to go for camping. I am not talking about the camping which people from corporate or IT sector do just to satisfy them which is even not close to any kind of camping. I am talking about hardcore camping.

We purchased map of the local region, and found a very favorable place in a forest reserve. The place which we selected as camping site was full of forest and wild animals, especially snakes. It was located on a long mountain ridge. A small river passing through a village which was not very far from the camping site.

The first day we reached the camping site, it was a treat to watch the greenery. We walked for almost three kilometers up-slope to reach our camping location. It was full of vegetation, and from our camp location we were able to see the town in front of us. So far but yet so close to civilization. This sight was enough for us to see the difference in two living style. We put our bags down, and cleared some vegetation to make place to lay our tents. I don’t prefer tents, as I prefer to sleep with the open sky and stars above me. I helped them to lay down the tent.

After that we did some recce of the place, to know about the surrounding. Approx. a kilometer away we decided to keep our yellow area. Yellow area is symbolic to the place where we will shit. Then at our camp location we created a small tree house, so that in case of any attack by wild animal, we can climb up and take shelter. We had packed lunch for the first day, so we had wonderful lunch followed by we dug snake pits around our sleeping area.

The fire giving us warmth in chilling cold

In night, we collected some dry wood, and burnt them to utilize the heat to fight the cold temperature. I slept under the stars. The next day, we started walking along the river to discover new things. It was beautiful place, surrounded by mountain ridge line, with attractive birds, and some farming land around the place. We did fishing, which ultimately became our lunch. In night, I sat with my friend, and we were watching the civilization far from us, and sharing our past memories and having good laugh about that. The last day, we packed everything, but this time we had decided not to go by bus, train, car or any vehicle, but we will run to the town. We were 60kms away from our town. We had a map with us, one liter of water, and chocolates enough to keep us alive for those sixty kilometers. Our backpack weight was almost thirty kilograms which we had to carry with us. We were 18 friends, planning something extraordinarily.

Two Small kids which we met during our exploration. Both are brothers and their father is a carpenter 

There is a saying among us ‘everything is mental’. We knew that if we are mentally strong, then we can travel sixty kilometers despite any odds. It was foolishness to run in day, because we will get dehydrated easily, so we decided to start as soon as the sun sets down.

We ate lunch, drank some water, few of us slept, few of us started chatting with each other. We were relaxed about our crazy plan but at the same time we were excited to complete it. Here our wait started for the extraordinary adventure. 


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