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Kids Are Future of Our Society

I was roaming on the streets of Delhi to explore new things. Any city in the world, changes its colors in night. There is calmness which is combined with occasional excitement. Crime raises its head after midnight. You will not find many people on the streets. All shops will be closed and street lights enlightening all these scenes.

As I was walking through the streets and narrow lanes in search of something different. I saw a very young kid, who was half naked in the extreme cold weather. The kid was in his teen age, and very thin which indicated that he spends many nights without eating dinner. He was fighting his way in the cold. He was reading a newspaper, trying to learn about the world, but the cold weather was challenging his survival in this cruel world about which he wanted to know more. Suddenly, he folded the newspaper and set it on fire, to draw some heat which will help him to survive the cold weather. He wanted to study and learn about the society but his financial conditions didn’t allow him to do so.

The kid told me that he wants to study, but he doesn’t have enough money. He works in day time, and in night he sleeps wherever he finds a cozy place. In the battle of survival, he takes some time out to read. He takes out the newspaper from garbage bins, and goes through the current affairs. He has also learnt English, and I must say he was very fluent.

If you find such kids in your society, then encourage them to study and admit them in the schools functioned by the government. Education is necessary for the development of the society and today’s youth is our tomorrow. 


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