In INDIA mostly in MIDDLE CLASS SOCIETIES which comprises of
majorly the the population the following trend is noticed: Girls are usually taught cooking and other household
chores with the mentality that they have
to serve their in laws in future while boys are taught technical stuff and work
related to outside the house like changing tubelight or paying electricity
bills etc etc with the mentality that this is all a guy’s stuff.
The above mentality of division of task make society unisex
dominated. Let’s look the above other way:
Girls should be taught household chores with the mentality
of making her learn things so that in future she can survive independently and
boys should also be taught the same. Time to time the jobs should be exchanged
or flipped so that both learn each other’s task
too. so that in future they are competent enough to survive

What parents can do in this is that they should also flip
the jobs like whats the big deal if husband cooks for the whole family or whats
the big deal if mother goes out and pay all the bills? By doing so they in
their children would inculcate the value of equality which henceforth may bring
about change in mentality.
So that their sons and daughter donot grow up and be trapped
in evilness of gender biasness and also GROW UP TO BECOME INDIVIDUALS not MAN
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