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Why to Be So Happy


We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness
                                                         --Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson in   Declaration of independence quoted as above. So happiness is deemed to be a birthright; it is fundamental right. Now we tend to define what happiness truly is? Happiness is subjective in nature, that is, its definition varies from person to person and time to time. For example for some money and luxury is happiness while for others mental peace is. Happiness is time variant too, what brings ecstasy at one time can be melancholic at other time. But abstract definition of happiness is “happiness is mental state of well being characterised by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment and joy”     
Happiness from scientific perspective:   
There are over fourteen billion cells in human brain and about 10,000 chemical reactions takes place every second in this amazingly structured organ. Inside our brain happen neurotransmissions which in layman’s language are chemical reactions. These are responsible for feelings, makes nerves functions. These calm you , excites you , makes you feel happy or sad. You are a human, you have a reason to be sad, that reason and your thinking causes a decrease in SEROTONIN; a chemical responsible for happiness. adding to serotonin we have  DOPAMINE ,NOREPINEPHINE, OXYTOCIN whose higher level is reason for happiness. Feeling of sadness or depression happens due to decrease in their levels. Even after lot of research it hasn’t been proved what exactly the cause of the chemical imbalances is. The most potent theory is that this imbalance is due to person’s own thinking. It is true that chemical imbalances lead to undue stress, worry and nervousness. But it is because of such emotions people know how to laugh, cry, love or worry. Chemical imbalances are an integral part of human nature which help in interpreting and reacting to different situations, and hence cannot be avoided.

Happiness from philosophical perspective:
if we go into philosophical details happiness is a state of mind which is attained when we are at pleasure or are satisfied or when the actions matches the words. Happiness can be attained sometimes by meeting materialistic desires or sometimes emotional desires. When we achieve our goals and our life is in harmony we feel satisfied which takes form of happiness.philosphically happiness is very subjective, for eg some people find happiness in painting while others in playing cricket. Some people reason to smile is writing while some averse it. So, happiness philosophically is defined as a state of mental peace and joyfulness which is obtained by pursuing the interest at any time when one wants and reaching a specified goal which one sets.

Why so much fuss on being happy?
 “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence”
What should be the purpose of life? Many of us face this question at some juncture of life. The best answer is HAPPINESS. Ultimately whatever we do should boil down to earn happiness of one and people around. God has sent us with a goal or some purpose to accomplish something. First of all we need to find what that goal is? Many of us live a life without knowing their purpose. Then we need to work towards that goal. Work is worship. And meanwhile if we aren’t happy doing that work, we aren’t worshipping whole heartedly, we are cheating on him. So in order to be faithful to him we should try every way to ensure our happiness unselfishly. Feeling depressed, go out and get helped, why even think of what people? If medical treatment helps you to restore happiness then it’s the only and correct way.dont like a job, quit it. Find one which suits your interest. Had a dream of learning how to dance? Age is stopping you? Don’t look at it, age is just a number. Go on and join some classes. Have time for your little dreams. For happiness comes in small packet. This life is a conundrum and full of surprise. Who knows when and where surprise is death. So savour every moment, life is too short to be unhappy no matter what.
So, live a happy life no matter what. A happy life lived is most coveted and is a feat.


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