If you have the writing talent then you can make lot of money by writing your own book and selling it online. Internet gives you a chance to promote your work on an international platform which indeed increases your market. Now stop wondering about how to publish your book for free and read the following content with ease and interest.
There are few websites which offers you to
publish your book successfully. We will discuss about top three websites which
allows you to publish and promote your book on internet. If we are missing any
other website which you think or found that is best and very helpful then you
can share with us by commenting on this post.
So here are the top three websites which
can help you to publish your book successfully.
LULU: This website allows you to
create various types of books. You need to develop books in digital media
through this website. If you have a hard-copy of a book then don’t worry, lulu
allows you to scan your old work so that you can easily digitize your creation.
There are two kinds of options offered by lulu: the first one is to launch the
book in private view or you can launch it in public view depending upon your
requirement. Through lulu you can promote your book on websites such as Amazon
which will allow you to make lot of money.
BLURB: Blurb is a website which more
flexible than any other book publishing website. It allows the author to
publish their book in any manner. It provides various kinds of templates and
several other layouts. You can also import your own template or layout which is
available on hard disk of your computer or laptop. Through blurb you can easily
increase the search ranking of your book as it allows you to add categories,
descriptions and several subtitles. Only drawback of blurb is that it doesn’t
allow you to create your own template. But if you want to create your own
template then you can do it externally and then you can import it to blurb and
use it for your book layout.
CreateSpace: In the year 2005 amazon acquired CreateSpace
which is very similar to lulu. CreateSpace allows you to publish your book
which you can develop through digital media. As it is associated with amazon,
due to this reason it is easy to sell your book on amazon. It only accept pdf
format, which is applicable for both images and text.
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