Have you ever stared at sky? I am sure everyone of you must have or had done it before. Sky is symbol of peace and harmony. At least, I feel so. Whenever, I am sad or frustrated or not sure about the sea of emotion trying to submerge my mind, I like to stare the sky. Blue sky makes you think about many thing going in your life. I remember, the days when I used to cry staring dark sky in night, and from somewhere I used to find a way to come out of the frustration or to solve any kind of problem. Right now sky is cloudy, it looks like even the god is trying to cry, maybe for the first time in my whole life, god is feeling the same thing which I am feeling right now.
Beautiful sky over my head and slow breeze gently touching my tired body. It is like a touch of your girl friend, you want to make love but the truth is you can't because wind is not human. I think only one thing apart from my parents, always stood by my side in my trouble, pain, and failure. That thing is this wide open sky. Wherever I go the sky is always with me. I don't feel alone in company of this sky. In day time sky is like your buddy and in the night it is like your hot and sexy lover. You can share anything with the sky and she will not react, and to your surprise, she will advise you, probably that is you who is able to find the solution of the problem but I am sure the peace and comfort provided by the sky drives you to find the new solution and the path to the next level.
Beautiful sky over my head and slow breeze gently touching my tired body. It is like a touch of your girl friend, you want to make love but the truth is you can't because wind is not human. I think only one thing apart from my parents, always stood by my side in my trouble, pain, and failure. That thing is this wide open sky. Wherever I go the sky is always with me. I don't feel alone in company of this sky. In day time sky is like your buddy and in the night it is like your hot and sexy lover. You can share anything with the sky and she will not react, and to your surprise, she will advise you, probably that is you who is able to find the solution of the problem but I am sure the peace and comfort provided by the sky drives you to find the new solution and the path to the next level.
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