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The Devil Inside: Combination of interesting script and bad direction

Year 2011 wasn’t best for movies. But the first big release of 2012, “The Devil Inside” recovered twice of its budget on the opening day itself.

The Devil Inside is like other horror flicks. It is about tackling exorcism. It has attracted large number of audience. I got a chance to enjoy the screening of The Devil inside on the opening night itself. Tickets were not entirely sold out, but theater was almost full.

The movie is pictured around a man with a digital camera, who intentionally captures something amazing and extraordinary. Filmmaker Michael follows Isabella. Isabella investigates about incarceration of her mother. She believes that incarceration was under mysterious circumstances. In the year 1989, Isabella’s mother Maria murdered three people who used to perform exorcism on her. The script of this movie takes a jump from here to the involvement of Vatican.

Character of Isabella Rossi is played by beautiful Fernanda Andrade, whereas character of Maria is played by Suzan Crowley.

From here movie takes lot of twist and turn which makes audience to stay interested in the movie. But unfortunately, script of the movie had something else to offer. Script of the movie “The Devil Inside’’ ignores the golden opportunity to take the story on the next level. While watching a horror movie, anyone expect few moments which make to jump out of the seats. But this movie is unable to make audience feel those moments. Giggling of audience throughout the movie, must have embarrassed filmmaker.

Few parts of this movie are very frustrating due to its flatness. Filmmaker is unable to create entertaining movie from an interesting plot. Script writer has tried to show mental illness, possession, faith versus science. But it looks like that script is deviating from its core and instead of exploring the main theme of the movie, movie suddenly start moving around exorcism scenes which are really dreadful and frustrating to see. There is a lame attempt to create a big scare through barking of dog on the street.

This film is a low budget film which is released under banner of Paramount. Mission Impossible 4 was also released under Paramount but wasn't disappointing as much as “The devil Inside”. Climax of the movie was utterly shocking. It looked like movie was stopped before the end.

The devil Inside has only few things to offer in terms of entertainment. This movie is made by found footage or you can say fake documentaries making this movie as a disappointing project for the filmmaker or at least for the audience. In most of the part of the movie, people are staring into the camera, due to which circumstances in the movie are not able to highlight the script. Adding to these things, end of the movie is very frustrating. It may enjoy box office success due to lack of competitors on the box office, but is certainly not enjoying success earned by winning appreciation of audience. It is the first movie of 2012, and audience hope to see some better movie in upcoming months.
This movie deserves to get 2 star out of 5.


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