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I was just going through facebook profiles of few strangers, and discovered a profile, which can be the biggest discovery in the history of mankind. I would say, this facebook profile is NINTH WONDER OF THE WORLD.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you HOPESH DANGAL

Hopesh Dangal
Has worked at Raju Bhai Music ReckordStudied at Patna UniversityLives in Mumbai, MaharashtraIn a relationshipFrom Patna, India

Education and Work



High School


Favorite QuotationsCall the cop when you sea tupack, nigga we hit emup- by great legendryTupack shakur

Basic Information

About Hopeshyo, me dont know, u dont know, please dont go, please dont go, i play kho-kho..yo

im hopesh from Patna im cool and very stylish man from Patna i like Patna .i am a rapper....hip-hop n classical rap both....

nowa days every bodys r liking me very much.... copying me very much... i am become the most famous rapper to emerge from india..

Happy diiwali plees dont go child near crackers it become harmful for child

Also Happy crismast to you ..may santaclase gift u a gift 2 u

This is crismast time ..yo
hopesh likes soda lime ...yo
evreebody says santa coming..yo
hopesh says ..Ghanta coming...yo
i rap santa claps..says ho ho ho... but no...yo yo yo is better....yo

Interested InWomen

Relationship StatusIn a relationship



  1. OMg.. i saw this profile today and I too thought of it as a great discovery.. bt it turns out to be that ppl discovered him a long while ago.. he has his own blog and profiles at almost every social networking site u can think of.

    Glad to see dat d world still has a few ppl like this left :P

    1. haha :D yes Xenon, world has few ppl like this left :D and by the way i really loved your blog though your blog is result of boredom but i found it very interesting and it is fun to read your posts. :)

  2. Hahaha :D lol awesome! this guy is so funny, you could fit him up in slot no.9, 10, 11 and 12 for wonders of the world too maybe!


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