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It looks like, world has entered the time of revolution. Revolution in Egypt, inspired many countries, and turned out to be a threat to many governments. China even banned the word Egypt, on internet, so that people of china, don't get inspired from revolution.
Now its in Libya. People of Libya are protesting against a government which is ruling Libya from past 42 years. 42 years is a long time to rule a country. I am not too much optimistic. But any government can change a country into heaven in such long gap. But ground reality of Libya is different. People are unemployed, are poor, and inflation in the country.
I think after the first recession of 21st century, almost all countries are facing same problems, and some government are really trying to overcome it. The enlightenment of revolution, which started in Egypt, is now in Libya, and few other gulf countries.
China is also experiencing the same problem. And through internet, this spark of revolution is slowly getting converted into fire. People are using micro-blogs for people's revolution in china. Now we can really say that, a social networking site, can be used as a weapon against inefficient governments. China which is growing at the rapid rate, has a majority of people facing unemployment, lack of food, and unequal status in their own country. It will be matter of time to see the result of these small sparks of revolution.

In India, people are facing similar kind of problems. But Indian government took appreciable steps to overcome these problems. As a proof, US president Barrack Obama, visited India, to sign an agreement, so that Indian MNCs can produce 50 thousand jobs for american citizen. After dark time of recession, Indian companies had bailed out with the aid of government. I read somewhere that Infotech has 15000 vacancies, and similar kind of requirement is for other IT companies. This show that government has successfully solved problem of unemployment, but still there is problem of inflation rate and corruption.

Indian people are satisfied from current governance, but if major problems like corruption and inflation rate is not tackled down soon, may be India will also face such kind of crisis.
Revolution has no origins, it can start anywhere in the world, for any valid reasons. 


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