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Pakistan is facing problems of unemployment, civil war, corruption, and unstable government. People are in search of a hero, a hero who can solve their problems, and in such situation silver screen becomes a mirror of society, which brings dreams of common people on the silver screen. The new movie ''Aik aur Ghazi'' which means one more holy warrior, is trying to touch the most sensitive issue of Pakistan, MURDER OF PUNJAB's GOVERNOR. 
Former Governor of Punjab, Mr. Salmaan Taseer, was a man with a vision, and he wanted to remove orthodox laws of Islam, and to bring females of Islamic world in main stream of society, but due to such opinion was murdered by his own body guard.
Now, Syed Noor - a noted Pakistani screenwriter and director has shared the first look of his upcoming film "Aik Ghazi Aur" which means One More Holy Warrior. The movie will be released in two months time. 

The movie has come under attack by critics who feel the story of this movie is very similar to the real life incident of Salmaan Taseer's murder by his security guard Mumtaz Qadri for reasons revolving blasphemy. 

In Syed Noor's movie there is a killer who achieves redemption and hero status for a murder. Critics are saying that the commercial appeal for the film indicates the growing acceptability of extra judicial killing in the name of religion. 

Both Qadri and the fictitious hero in Noor's film are thick set men with bushy beards and dark,round faces. Both men come from Punjab. In fact, the movie's tagline has the same message that Qadri's supporters use "Punishment for Blasphemers: Decapitation."

Syed Noor, normally makes romantic movies but this is a different topic he is covering perhaps looking at the way things are going in Pakistan. He is denying all these similarities raised by critics by saying that the villain in his film claimed that he was the prophet of Islam. He said that his film has no connection with the murder of Salmaan Taseer who was trying to help someone from another community.

Well, I feel the critics are right in this case. Making such a movie at this time is not relevant. As it is these are sensitive issues. Anyhow, moving away from the main story if you would notice one thing in the poster----Saima is in the main cast of this Syed Noor venture as well. The man has vowed to never make a movie without his lady love.


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