When there is a hullabaloo there will be several people who will take advantage of it. It is old school book teaching; if there is fortuitous, exploit it. So it is happening in the United States where the wave in the society has changed. ISIS activities have predisposed the world to rethink on the Islam and there is a debate going on that the ideology is to be blamed or just few people of that section of the society. Brigitte Gabriel, the face behind America Congress of Truth has tried to tarnish the Islamic ideology and has projected the untruth by covering up with the wrapper of truth. The American society which is amalgamation of different culture and society from all over the world is now unable to accept an ideology. Now, this so called truth has outraged a hatred for Asians. Americans are unable to differentiate the ideologies and are now discriminating Asians. That only shows that Americans need to be educated as it only implies their illiteracy about the globa...